How KarlaCola works

Hi there! Thanks so much for taking the time to check out our website! If your new here to KarlaCola, you may be a little confused about how to place an order (in other words, buy something) when most of our stock is SOLD OUT.
It can be very confusing to the newbies to our site, so let us explain!

We are a small business that hand cuts and handmakes every single clothing piece. Due to this, we like to focus on one collection at a time and will heavily advertise for a week prior to our Sunday night launch of a new or existing collection. We advertise every week what is coming and collections are live for placing an order at 8pm Adelaide time on Sunday nights (and the occasional Wednesday nights).
You’ll need to keep a eye on our social media posts (Instagram is best!) to find out exactly what is up for sale that week and what day. Once customers have ordered from that collection, we cut all the orders and put them into production with our team of sewers. In turn, we make what is ordered from all of our wonderful customers!
Each week we focus on a different collection, so its always changing.
Signing up for a restock notification gives us great insight as to what YOU the customer wants and we plan our restocks based on this. You wont however get an email notifying you of the restock, but you will get notified once the stock has been added to the website at launch time.
Our launches for new collections and restocks do sell out FAST so be sure you know what is coming and ready to 'check out' for the correct size prior to 8pm (as we hate when customers miss out on what they want!). If you need sizing help, check out our size guide page, or message us as we are always happy to help.
Another fantastic way to find out what is coming (if you aren’t a big social media lover) is to sign up for our fortnightly newsletter (link found on our Homepage).
We hope this makes sense, and happy KarlaCola shopping!